Pumpkins and MultiFIX
Improve Pumpkin Yield, Size and Profit with MultiFIX One of the Best Agricultural Products Ever Developed! The MultiFIX mode of action in the soil initiates mechanisms that
Improve Pumpkin Yield, Size and Profit with MultiFIX One of the Best Agricultural Products Ever Developed! The MultiFIX mode of action in the soil initiates mechanisms that
MultiFIX® Applied to Black-Eyed Peas Black-eyed peas (control) – notice the weeds and the plants are still part green. Black-eyed peas with MultiFIX® applied pre-plant. The
MultiFIX® Soil and Crop Enhancer is a specially formulated liquid that provides the proper bioenhancement nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other compounds required by soil microbes and plants
Guaranteed Product Performance for growing the best Field Crops!
Grow Bigger and Better Citrus Trees and Fruit with MultiFIX Whether your farm is 40 acres or 15,000 acres, we know that is the most