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MultiFIX — The Optimum food for microbes

Make the Smarter Choice

How to Farm Smarter with MultiFIX

“To be a farmer is to be a student forever, for each day brings something new.”
John Connell

Smarter farming starts here

Our science behind MultiFIX is based on the relationship between microbes and plant growth, which is vital for your plant to reach its full potential. Click Here for the cutting-edge research that makes MultiFIX possible.

Should you MultiFIX your crops? Find out what other conventional farmers have to say about the higher yields, better quality, and increased profitability they discovered after using MultiFIX.

Looking for technical information? Find application instructions, labels and ingredients, Safety Data Sheets and other information. If you can’t locate what you’re looking for, let us know, and we’ll get you what you need.

We know it doesn’t matter if you farm 40 acres or 15,000 acres, it’s the most important soil in the world. Because it’s yours. You work as hard as you can to make your soil as perfect as you can. We understand that, and we feel the same way. Sometimes, though, farming harder isn’t enough. You have to farm smarter. That’s why we developed MultiFIX.

We feed the microbes already in your soil to unlock its full potential. So whether you’ve just found out about MultiFIX, or whether you’ve been using our products for years, if you’re trying to farm smarter, you came to the right page. 

MULTIFIX — Feed your soil's microbes for better soil health

It's all about the soil

In 1988, before almost anyone outside of a research facility paid any attention to microbes, we at Advanced BioTech caught on to a revolutionary idea — that healthy crops need healthy soil. We also discovered that microbes were the key to creating that healthy soil. But which microbes? A spoonful of soil contains about 10,000 different species. With up to a billion native microbes living in that same spoonful, we determined there was no need to add new ones. We merely had to strengthen the indigenous microbes already there.

And that’s what MultiFIX does. The microbes in your soil already know what to do. Our formulation simply gives them the tools to do it. Proven in the field for more than 35 years, MultiFIX truly is The Optimum Food for Microbes.

What is MultiFIX? It’s a specially formulated liquid that provides the microbes in your soil with just the right mix of bioenhancement nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other compounds to make them thrive and quickly reproduce, literally bringing new life to your soil. This results in improved plant health, better nutrient conversion and uptake, and increased crop quality and yields.

The MultiFIX Cycle

  1. When MultiFiX is applied, microorganisms in the soil reproduce rapidly and convert nutrients for the plant, causing the plant to grow faster than a plant without MultiFiX.
  2. After the plant grows a leaf, the growth rate of the plant multiplies and the plant produces sugars in the roots for the microbes, which then produce humus.
  3. The plant then pumps large amounts of sugar and other molecules that exude or leak out of the roots.
  4. This is bulk food for microbes to build soil humus in the root zone. Humus holds high amounts of water which is easily taken by the plant, especially in times of drought.
  5. The goal is reached for the plant taking nutrients at the optimum timing for full genetic potential.

"Will MultiFIX work on my crops?"

Since MultiFIX performs in soils, virtually every type of plant will benefit from the balance and efficiency provided to farm smarter with MultiFIX.

Learn how MultiFIX can help you unlock the full potential of your soil, plants and crops by clicking a link below and exploring our website. If you don’t see your crop listed, please contact us for more information.

Scroll below to find your crop or interest

MultiFIX Video Shorts

Here are just a few of the videos we’ve created over the years to highlight how MultiFIX strengthens your soil’s beneficial microbes, and how that leads to higher production and better quality — which is why we say that MultiFIX more than pays for itself. This is just a sample of what’s available in our Video Library page. We’re constantly producing and publishing new videos, so keep coming back for new content! And don’t forget to visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Smart farming starts here

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