Get rapidly growing trees

plus much more on any soil type using MultiFIX®

Maximizing production on mature pistachios begins with MultiFIX

We help our farming clients get the most income possible from each crop. Simply add MultiFIX to your existing farming program and see how the formulation quickly pays for itself with lower input costs, higher income or both!

Some clients are impressed with the water savings, others are impressed by their fertilizer savings, and all are impressed by their healthier crops and higher yields. Your fertilizer supplier may not be pleased once your orders drop 10% to 40%, but your banker will be thrilled. And if you’re already adding live microbes, humic acids or sugar-based products to your soil, we’ll show you how to make those other products work better at a lower cost. 

Your farm soil and plants are teeming with countless indigenous microorganisms where 1000s of complex biological, chemical, and physical processes are performed. Using MultiFIX promotes balance and efficiency in soil processes and plant metabolism, with key benefits including soil health, plant health and your crop income.

Please take a few moments to review comments and videos from appreciative growers. We value your time and will be glad to set a brief meeting with you.

New Pistachio Trees
Tulare County CA USA

New pistachio trees at 2 years old
New pistachios treated with MultiFIX®
(1) New pistachio trees were treated with only 80 ounces per acre of MultiFIX® in the first year. The pistachio trees appear healthy and growing in year one and year two.

2 minute 08 second Video

47-Year-Old Pistachio Trees Madera County CA USA

Very Large Leaves with MultiFIX®
MultiFIX makes your mature trees healthier and stronger
One Year Trees with MultiFIX®

(2) Learn about the benefits of MultiFIX® for established pistachio blocks – including bigger leaves and healthier trees – by watching this California grower.

1 minute 12 second Video

1 to 6 Year-Old Pistachio Trees Tulare County CA USA

Nuts from trees grown using MultiFIX®
With MultiFIX®

(3) This grower’s pistachio trees are “nice and healthy,” have the “largest leaves anywhere” and bear “beautiful green” pistachio nuts after being treated with MultiFIX® 

38 second Video

New Pistachio Trees
Fresno County CA USA

New pistachio trees at 2 years old
New pistachios treated with MultiFIX®

(4) This MultiFIX® client compared three fields, two with MultiFIX® and one without. The MultiFIX® trees received a total of two gallons per acre over several applications in year one.  Our client’s trees grew much faster on MultiFIX® fields (S and N blocks). Large trunk girth and branches with healthy wood provided more pruning options. The client had soil samples taken from each field prior to planting which lab analysis indicated were virtually the same in soil type and nutrients. Leaf analysis done later showed that while the MultiFIX® trees had adequate boron, the control trees were deficient in boron.

3 minute 23 second Video

New Pistachio Trees
Mojave Desert CA USA

Sonny needed only 12 gallons of water per tree per week, while his neighbors used 25 gallons per week.
Water Usage Comparison
Cutting water use in half in the Mojave desert
With MultiFIX®

(5) Major Water Savings of at Least 52% in the 115-degree Mojave Desert. It’s “very, very impressive to see the growth on the new trees,” said Sonny, a Mojave Desert pistachio grower. Sonny describes how he was able to save 52% on water by using MultiFIX®.

You can read Sonny’s full story HERE.

1 minute 11 second Video

Orange Trees
Fresno County CA USA

Before-and-after photos showing massive improvement in almost no time
Orange trees before and 19 months after MultiFIX® applications.
Orange trees irrigated with MultiFIX®.

(6) A Fresno-area citrus grower describes how MultiFIX® resulted in massive growth. “The color – you can see all these terminal growths, that’s representing new roots growing down there – which is a good thing, creating a healthier…more productive tree.” Neighbors told him this is the best his trees have ever looked. This unique MultiFIX® liquid rapidly makes soils and plants more productive.

34 second Video

New Kiwi Vines
Fresno County CA USA

With MultiFIX®
With MultiFIX®

(7) Ramon from Kingsburg, California, describes how using MultiFIX® on his kiwis improved fruit set, size and sugar content up to between 18 and 24 brix!

1 minute 49 second Video

Wine Grape Vineyards
Fresno County CA USA

With MultiFIX®
With MultiFIX®

(8) We spoke to Ken G. about his wine grapes. He loved how consistent the grapes were after using MultiFIX®, and how the brix of his grapes were increased by two points!

58 seconds Video

Almond Trees
Fresno County CA USA

Ready for planting and ready for MultiFIX®
Almonds immediately after planting

(9) Growers Foreman – Juan, describes how much new trees have grown in height and have produced larger leaves within two months. Ken describes how his wells went dry, leaving a large number of almond trees without water in the heat of the summer. Those trees not treated with MultiFIX® did not produce as good of a crop as the trees treated with MultiFIX®. MultiFIX® helps plants and trees even in low water situations!

1 minute 05 second Video

2:19 Video

Let's watch the movie and see if it's any good.

Introduction to MultiFIX (1 minute 11 seconds)

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